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Filed under Skinner Co. Ink
Tagged as Bullitt, The Blues Brothers, The French Connection
Bullit-in! Har!
Have you seen ‘Drive’? Brutally violent at times, but largely plays out like a noir for a modern audience…
Also, Carey Mulligan kept reminding me of Opop…
We haven’t seen it yet, but it’s definitely high on the list. I just need to gird myself properly for that much Gosling exposure.
boo management spoiling our fun
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Bullit-in! Har!
Have you seen ‘Drive’? Brutally violent at times, but largely plays out like a noir for a modern audience…
Also, Carey Mulligan kept reminding me of Opop…
We haven’t seen it yet, but it’s definitely high on the list. I just need to gird myself properly for that much Gosling exposure.
boo management spoiling our fun