It was a long bus ride, and the lumbering gray beast stopped regularly
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It was a long bus ride, and the lumbering gray beast stopped regularly
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
The thin silver line of fear that ran along her spine, mimicking the chill of the cold wall, would help keep her awake.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
He had proven to himself that Baker was involved in a cover up, but this was a fact William had already known. It had only been he, the escapee, who’d held any lingering doubt.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
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Tonight your hosts, Hugh of, Rich the Time Traveler, Opop, and Jurd, chase Peter Parker’s roommates for their share of the rent.
Warning: YMMV, this was not the copy we used for recording
Chrononaut Cinema Reviews is presented by and, and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Filed under Chrononaut Cinema Reviews, Flash Pulp
Hari cradled his head in his hands, attempting to block out the smokey sweet smell of freshly-charred human flesh
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
As soon as he stepped from the 747’s controlled climate the dry Arizona air began to bake Mukki’s lungs.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
There was no hiss, nor rattle of warning, one moment they were speaking and the next the tent to Gord’s left seemed to explode into motion.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
The conversation on the night of their unexpected meeting was so celebratory that Mukki was forced to repeat most of the details the following day when they met for dinner.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
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Tonight your hosts, Hugh of, Rich the Time Traveler, Opop, and Jurd, find themselves in a warp zone.
Warning: YMMV, this was not the copy we used for recording
Chrononaut Cinema Reviews is presented by and, and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Filed under Chrononaut Cinema Reviews, Flash Pulp
Seeing the shredded seats, deployed airbag, and tornado trail of upholstery and glass had brought a reality to his friend’s words.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish