Without physical records to pin them in place, the events, like the town of Jackfish itself, became a receding memory only touched upon by sentimentalists and conspiracy theorists.
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Without physical records to pin them in place, the events, like the town of Jackfish itself, became a receding memory only touched upon by sentimentalists and conspiracy theorists.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
You wouldn’t be so eager to sleep if you’d seen the damned thing.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
He had argued to no end, then been dragged into the boat by a hand so firm it left four brown bars across his forearm.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
While shuffling along the tracks, Gord mentally repeated his arguments against regretting this decision.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
William came awake, the second morning after the trauma, to a silent house.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
Myriam watched the bobbing light break up among the branches, then disappear, as Gord and Cal crept along the rails that led to the car.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
As they spoke the Colonel would occasionally raise his hand, then a building would suddenly be ablaze.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
Silence, deep and unyielding, descended. No bullfrogs sounded and no night birds called – even the chirp and buzz of the insects had fallen into a hushed lull.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
William had clawed his way through the brush and darkness until he could move no more, then he’d discovered that weeping silently was an exhausting business.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
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Tonight your hosts, Hugh of HughJODonnell.com, Rich the Time Traveler, Opop, and Jurd, get a lesson in SPELLING. Because it’s D&D. And there are spells.
Warning: YMMV, this was not the copy we used for recording
Chrononaut Cinema Reviews is presented by https://www.skinner.fm and http://hughjodonnell.com, and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Filed under Chrononaut Cinema Reviews, Flash Pulp